Wednesday, March 16, 2011

i hear
what he says, what i say
what she says, what you say
what they say, what we all say
it can't be stopped
we're talking, we're laughing
we say and shout it all out
love, joy, reliefs
hate, anger, griefs
who says perfect is perfect
the defect is being perfect itself
we're human, only human
i've heard it all
i know because i'm here.


manueng said...

lawa gamba ko n selendang cha'a tu...dia shoot eh? lawa la...

tp tgn ko dkt ngan camera la plak...nampak cam tgn ko besa...huhu

p/s: komen xde kene mengena dgn entry nih...huhu=p

naziismyname said...

yup..chaa yg amek...tu la psl...
aq n model amateur ag...hahah

manueng said...

lawa2 =)

p/s: gambanye yg lawa...bukan modelnye ye...huhu =p