Sunday, May 15, 2011


al kesah.....

ptg td....dlm kol..jap2 check handset...
dlm kol 3.05 pm...mak tepon tny pasal dia nye gelas kaca....what???
sbb tgh shiok mkn nasi ayam (thai punyer) sambil melayan running man (muahahahha)
terkebil2 jap dgr mak tny psl tu..terbingung (exists ke word ni?) jap

kata mak, salah satu gelas kacanya itu sudah pecah. akan tetapi tidaklah sehingga hancur berderai...
tetapi nampak kesan pecah tuh...lalu mak pun bertanya kepada org gaji kami
adakah dia yang memecahkan gelas tersebut...
org gaji berkata bukan dia yang buat..lalu mak bertanya lagi...siapa yang buat
org gaji cakap ------------------------>aq yg buat!!!!!!

sedeyh tol dgr mak bgtau td...sampi hati dia ckp aq yg buat....
mak x yakin dgn jawapan org gaji kami lalu menelefon aq...
kata mak, kalau aq yg pecahkan, mesti aq terus bgtau mak dan mmg tu pun yg aq akan buat
(yela drpd kene mrh di kemudian hari, lg baik aq dimarahi tyme2 tu gak kn??)
kata mak gaji kami kata aq yg lap2 gelas
kata mak...xkan la lap gelas leh pecah, mesti la pecah tyme basuh
DAN kata mak lagi, aq mmg x tolong2 basuh pun------------->POW!!!terasa kene penumbuk dgr mak ckp camtu....terasa mmg pun..lately aq rely too much on our maid...

that must've hurt a lot..heh

last time yg aq ingat pegang gelas tu tyme mak suruh letak kt meja makan....
dan aq xde basuh mahu pun ringan2 tgn nk tolong lap gelas2 tu..
yg aq basuh and lap adalah pinggan2...
dan kalau mmg aq ad basuh gelas dan gelas tersebut pecah, mest aq perasan
dan sebelum kene lecture dgn teruk oleh mak, aq akan confess yg aq pecahkan gelas...
tp, sejujurnya bukan aq yg buat..huhu....

kata mak...kenapa dia nk tipu kata aq yg buat
mak aq tanya je, dan takde niat pown nk marah dia kalau betol dia yg pecahkan...
aq x marah aq difitnah------->quite strange isn't it??i'm usually hot-tempered, easily annoyed.
tapi, aq rse sedeyh..yg kuar dlm hati dan juga dr mulut aq lps mak tepon

"sampai hati....sedeyh nye dgr dia ckp camtu"

Wednesday, March 23, 2011


that's all i can say
that's what i want to say.

i'm done
tired but it's all worth
worth for what i've done.

for good thing to happen
feels like clinging to a rope.

glad for the strength
not wanting to go astray.

all the hard work
it's all finished.

relief. that's what i feel right now. at least for the time being. sleepless night is over. at least for the time being. aching body, painful. jammed brain, tired. blurry vision, sleepy. they're still hugging, holding me tightly, not wanting to let me go. but that's okay. cause everything, every work,  every assignment is done. finished.

p/s: listening to yuna ito's precious..nice one! 

Monday, March 21, 2011

i got spammed!!!!

damn it...bullshit...asshole....aaaaaargh!!!!!!!!!!!!
sape nye keje wat gini kt aq???
monyet tol...hanjing....siot...cilakak!!!!!
huhu...nyesal aq g tekan link tu...
naive tol aq ni...xtaw la plak bnd tu spam je
kuar da bnd2 x senonoh...
yg x aq plak yg send bnd2 tuh...huhu...
sedeyh...tercemar nme baek aq...

sori korg klu dpt bnd tu dr aq...bkn aq yg x xtaw da deactivate da pown fb aq....
cam haram tol...huhu

Saturday, March 19, 2011

nape aq 'allergic' nk pggl org laki abg??


aq ni xleh ar nk pggl org laki ngan panggilan 'abg'
rse geli..xtau nape rse geli...
at least ar, klu nk gak aq pggl org tu abg,
at least umo dia sme ngan abg 2nd aq
klu x..jgn hrp...berat beno mulot ni nk nyebut nye

gambar sekadar hiasan yerr...
obviously bkn aq dlm gamba ni...
(aq perempuan)

tp...x bermaksud aq x respect org tu..
respect just aq lg comfortable pggl dia gne name je
reason(s) dia aq xtau maybe:

  1. aq da ad 2 org abg...jd x terasa nk tmbh lg sorg (x msk akal tol alasan ni)
  2. abg aq yg 2nd pown aq x pggl abg (pelik lak klu aq tetiba pggl dia abg)

certain2 org je yg aq pggl gne pggln abg
dan slalunye org yg lg tue dr abg 2nd aq
tu pown ad gak yg aq x pggl abg...
aq bkn nk kurang da nature aq cam tu...

is it bad?

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

sorry, but i can't...

a story about a male and female who happened to know each other through a friend. the male likes the female but the female likes someone else and she just want to remain as friends with the day, he sends a message to the female...they text each other and the texting goes along well until he finally asks...

male:    suke warne ape ek?
female: ske warne biru,ijau,oren, itam putih...nape?
male:    just nk tny...hehe...abg nk berkawan n berkenalan boleh? sudi x nie?

more than half an hour later...

male:    marah ke?
female: erm...x marah...x tau nk cakap cane...honestly, x nk ad pape commitment ad ngan sape2...abg faham              
            kn? myb abg deserve org yg lg baek...
male:    it's okay...sekurang-kurangnye ckp jujur ngan abg..abg phm...sorry ganggu study...

what would you do if you were in her shoes? would you rather lie or tell the truth? the truth is ugly and hurtful but lie is uglier and worse...
i hear
what he says, what i say
what she says, what you say
what they say, what we all say
it can't be stopped
we're talking, we're laughing
we say and shout it all out
love, joy, reliefs
hate, anger, griefs
who says perfect is perfect
the defect is being perfect itself
we're human, only human
i've heard it all
i know because i'm here.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

lama sgt x update belog ni
maka entry kali ni sgt random
it was smth i did last year...

Time had stopped in memories
The present time starts to leave me behind
I’m living in the past inside the memories
Time passed by counting the days.
The time that had stopped
However it seems to moving on again
Just all the things I don’t want to forget
They are replayed in my mind.

Will you still smile at me?
I can’t ask you even though I want to
Can I look at you from afar and like you?
I’m okay even if it’s unrequited.
Those words still remain within me

It’s painful to think about it but do you know?
Those hurtful words you said to me
Enough to bring me into tear.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

it was the best moment for today!!!

hr ni hr 2nd iium invitational taekwondo tournament. macam2 jd....bout chart ad sume salah si tukang buat bout chart...keje mau cepat je..ptt mula kol 8.30 pg end up mula dlm kol 11 maen kategori laen dlm bout chart kategori laen...camne tuh????

tyme open ceremony lak, ad la mamat POYO muke cam 'sammy' ni bising2 lak...kalau aq ar,secara logiknye, w/pun  bengang program start lambat, aq tau ar nk jg hati org tuan rumah POYO tersebut, tnp rse bersalah berkata dgn KUATNYE: "eleh, kate start kol 8, ni da nk tgh hr bru nk start" cam malu tp rse nk sumbat je board team dia (UniSZA) lam mulut dia..kasi koyak sket mulot tu!!!mampus la ko!!aq tepok tgn ar klu ko sawan dlm ring!!!

then, tyme jg ring...ring laen gne ESS, tp yg aq jg ni gune manual..serabut kepala aq...mamat2 DEGIL LAGI BEBAL dr team ANGKATAN TENTERA MALAYSIA (ATM), cam x phm2 bhs ble org srh diri jaoh2 dr ring sbb ganggu refrees, committees and team medic( in case of emergency) nk wat keje...nyemak taw tak??!! bengong mu!!kwn aq yg ngadu kt aq tp aq lak yg was a bad thing tht i should had had control.

lepas tu, tyme aq kurang emo, aq tny bdk tkd ni asal@camne dia leh kalah, pastu dia terdiam dgr pertanyaan aq tuh,thn, membe aq ckp:"ko ni, jgn ar tny dia soalan tu, kecik ati dia". statement membe aq tu wat aq paranoid sbb aq terpikir,mungkinkah dia kecik ati???aq tetibe rse bersalah yg amat tp aq x brani mtk maaf sbb bdk tu jns yg ckp kasar2...emo was a bad thing tht i shouldn't say.

aq emo-------------------aq  paranoid
aq marah dgn diri aq sbb aq x leh kawal perasaan x prl nk emo sgt2 pown dgn ATM nyemak bengong aq marah gak...dasar baran!!!!...ko mmg pemarah ziha
aq rse bersalah sekiranye bdk tkd tu mmg btol2 kecik ati sbb aq x mean it in a bad tny sbb aq concern...terase bersalah!!!!...ko mmg negative-minded ziha

equation:       emo + paranoid = feeling down

aq x se'happy' cam selalu...i heal stage by stage this start senyum and gelak ringan2.pastu gelak2 ngan bdk tkd uia kuantan kt hs cafe.pastu singgah cafe mahallah.chaa bli banana shake. tyme  nk byr,tetiba chaa nk cheese samosa.pak cik jual samosa dgn baik hati bg free je dua bungkus murtabak kt aq and chaa...da bayar sume, tetiba dia lalu antara aq and chaa dan bkk peti ais.dia bg aq the last banana shake...katanye:"nah, ambik la,bawak balik, pak cik bg free" tergamam,tersentak seketika.hati aq terharu sbb pak cik tu mmg slalu bg makanan or minuman free kt chaa and her gang.that tyme, it was my turn, my moment of bergerak kuar smbl menahan air down sgt td,but thn, someone buat aq terharu was the best moment for today!!!

Sunday, January 23, 2011


not an ordinary toilet paper...dem expensive!!

x penah aq boros thp dewa
minggu ni kurang dr seminngu
aq hbskn RM 100
sape2 yg knl aq
myb berase agak terkujat
aq ni kerek sket bab duit
aq x ske shoppinh baju,kasoot,accessories dll

klu aq x bli bnd2 gitu,camne aq blh boros lak???

bkn katak stim oke!!!


sememangnye aq kuat makan
nk2 tyme aq PMS
(mmg tyme boros tu aq tgh pms)
taw kw pms tu ap?
xtaw?? google it!!
aq yg aq nk telan, aq rembat dan bayar
cam cash and carry

dem...perut aq beso ruangannye
perut, kerana ko, aq boros!!

Thursday, January 20, 2011

soca tenten

apekah soca tenten???
sub human sciences
sociology (SOCA 1010)
aka soca tenten

esok exam pd pkol 3-4.30 ptg
x best!!!
x blaja pape ag...
byk lak tuh
it'll not going to be a straightforward question

disebabkan aq ske "people"
maka x pelik klu aq amek sub ni
sociology bermaksud
socio(latin) ialah society
logy(dr logos=greek) ialah study of
maka sociology is the study of society

a dull society

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

ToT...where's my purse???!!!!!!!

female sports complex
halimah's cafe
mahallah ruqayyah
riding a friend's car
went to hostel



aq:"jap2..mane dompet aq???"
chaa:"lam kete keypinx kott. call sheeqa tny dia. ad nombor tepon dia tak?"
aq:" ad..jap, aq tepon dia"



my heart beat faster
all the memories were replayed
thinking where did i drop it
walking by,
jogging by,
all around places i went through
couldn't find it
going back and forth
decision was made
'ask for room's key'


jaga:"beg duit wane ap?"
aq:"beg duit wane cokelat"
(sambil menunjukkan anggaran saiznya)
dalam mase yg same kedengaran suara chaa
lembut menyebut namaku
ku toleh ke arahnya
pastu mate terhenti apabila
encik jaga menunjukkan dompetku

i was grateful
the guard found it
nothing was missing
i was SO grateful
i started to shed tears
warm as it was
the tears rolled down on my cheeks
and vowed
to not lose it again!!

Monday, January 17, 2011

ke-MALAS-an..mmg idle life

dlm beberapa jam ag, aq akn jd seperti org dlm gamba ni...


mampu gelak je
terhadap kemalasan yg melampau ni
ye...ponteng 1 aktiviti
sbb nye?????


assignment aq byk x buat ag

ye..ISLAMIC AQIDAH ptt nye dibuat ptg td

tetapi akibat ngantok
*tolonglah..ngaku je la ko MALAS*
maka aq pown tido dgn nyenyaknye
so, dlm kegelabahan ni..
aq msh bertenang...
aq yakin aq mampu siapkn mlm ni...
*ye je ko*
kerna esk nk bg group leader tgk hasilnya
yg diyakini x seberapa tu...

kpd partner:
trima kaseh sbb tlng buat most of the part
nnt presentation, allow me to present it...okay???


Sunday, January 16, 2011

xde keje

tyme org laen syiok2 tdo
aq dengan GHAIRAHnye menTRANSLATE smth
ke dlm bahasa..............??????


bersekang mate aq translate
pagi2 buta lak tu
naseb baek aq x buta ngadap skrin
smpi kol 4 pagi kott!!!!

ngantok tu x yah ckp ar
tahap DEWA oke!!!!!!!!!


determination aq yg agk melampau
sanggup tdo lewat tu...
only if i have tht same determination to study

*tu ar..ko ni pemalas nazi!!*