a story about a male and female who happened to know each other through a friend. the male likes the female but the female likes someone else and she just want to remain as friends with the male...one day, he sends a message to the female...they text each other and the texting goes along well until he finally asks...
male: suke warne ape ek?
female: ske warne biru,ijau,oren, itam putih...nape?
male: just nk tny...hehe...abg nk berkawan n berkenalan boleh? sudi x nie?
more than half an hour later...
male: marah ke?
female: erm...x marah...x tau nk cakap cane...honestly, x nk ad pape commitment ad ngan sape2...abg faham
kn? myb abg deserve org yg lg baek...
male: it's okay...sekurang-kurangnye ckp jujur ngan abg..abg phm...sorry ganggu study...
what would you do if you were in her shoes? would you rather lie or tell the truth? the truth is ugly and hurtful but lie is uglier and worse...
inikah kisah yg duk sembang kat fb tu?huhu
yup2....ini la bnd yg aq nk tny tu
cha'a ke? huhu...awat x bkenan kat laki tu? laki tu kwn korg gak ke? huhu
hahahaha...nk taw ke???berkerut dahi chaa bc comment ko ni...smbl tny "asl aq plak?"
dia ade situ ke? haha=p
aku ingatkn dia...dah dia duk ltak kat status fb dia...huhu
dah tu ko ke?huhu
hahaha...yup2...last2 advice k.erot gak yg aq pki...
haaa?ko mintak nasihat erot?
haah...the only one yg available tyme tu...heheh..nsb baek...advice pidin lak xleh blah
ko sms diorg ke?
x ar...aq chat ngan dorg kt fb.... cuak kot aq tyme tu...tu yg maen tny je dorg
ape ntah nak dicuakkan...huhu
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